google / guava

Google core libraries for Java

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Diff multiple maps

Sternbach-Software opened this issue · comments

I need to diff multiple maps across each other.

Guava currently has a great method for diffing two maps and finding the elements that are onlyOnRight/Left, onBoth, and differences. What object would this function return? Something with onAll, differences, and function Map<~> onlyOn(Map<~> map) ?

Hi! Questions like these are better answered on stackoverflow (tag [guava]) or maybe on the mailing list. We use this issue tracker for bug reports and feature requests.

This was a feature request. Sorry for not being explicit.

I see. I think we would need to know a lot more about the use case, and how prevalent it might be, before we attempted to think about designing such an API.