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Cannot connect to GRR through HAProxy

treed593 opened this issue · comments

When I try to connect a client to my new GRR install behind HAProxy I get the following in the client logs. Any ideas?

INFO:2020-11-20 09:57:34,139 comms:252] Could not connect to GRR servers ['https://server.domain/'], directly or through these proxies: [''].

backend grr-be
        redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }
        server GRR01
        http-response add-header X-FRAME-OPTIONS SAMEORIGIN
        http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]
        http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }
        balance roundrobin
        description GRR

I can connect clients directly via the internal IP to GRR and can download the server.pem file via the Loadbalanced domain name. i.e

$ curl https://server.domain/server.pem

Hi Trevor! Thanks for reporting this. A few questions:

  • What is the client/server version?
  • How was the server installed? Double checking - you haven't enabled Fleetspeak in this install, correct?
  • Which platform do the clients run on?
  • Do you see anything if you run the clients in verbose mode? See "Run the client in verbose mode" here.
  • Server Version: installed via DEB package on Ubuntu.
  • Fleetspeak is not enabled in the config:
Server.fleetspeak_enabled: false
Client.fleetspeak_enabled: false
ClientBuilder.fleetspeak_bundled: false
Server.fleetspeak_server: ''
  • Connection issues have been noticed on Windows and MacOS

Verbose output:

$ sudo /usr/local/lib/grr/grr_3.4.2.4_amd64/grr --config=/usr/local/lib/grr/grr_3.4.2.4_amd64/grr.yaml --verbose
I1124 11:15:30.616528 4545949184] Writing log file to /var/log/GRRlog.txt
INFO:2020-11-24 11:15:30,616 client_logging:117] Writing log file to /var/log/GRRlog.txt
INFO:2020-11-24 11:15:30,627 comms:1330] Starting client aff4:/C.ed6e3d3da57ed745
DEBUG:2020-11-24 11:15:30,633 admin:312] Sending startup information.
DEBUG:2020-11-24 11:15:30,734 connectionpool:943] Starting new HTTPS connection (1): server.domain:443
INFO:2020-11-24 11:15:30,736 comms:252] Could not connect to GRR servers ['https://server.domain/'], directly or through these proxies: [''].

and as stated in my initial report, I can download the server.pem with curl from the client

Hm, it might be that curl is doing something differently from how GRR client does it.

Please do the following on your client machine:

sudo /usr/local/lib/grr/grr_3.4.2.4_amd64/grr --break_on_start

This will give you a Python debugger prompt. In this prompt, please run the following lines of code:

import requests

Please post whichever output you get.

$ sudo /usr/local/lib/grr/grr_3.4.2.4_amd64/grr break_on_start
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "grr_response_client/", line 107, in <module>
  File "absl/", line 299, in run
  File "absl/", line 250, in _run_main
  File "grr_response_client/", line 73, in main
  File "grr_response_client/", line 25, in ClientInit
  File "grr_response_core/lib/", line 1736, in ParseConfigCommandLine
RuntimeError: A config file is not specified.
[10502] Failed to execute script client
$ sudo /usr/local/lib/grr/grr_3.4.2.4_amd64/grr --config=/usr/local/lib/grr/grr_3.4.2.4_amd64/grr.yaml break_on_start
I1125 14:58:53.150907 4473904640] Writing log file to /var/log/GRRlog.txt

I never get a Python debugger prompt

--break_on_start has to be specified as a flag - notice the double dashes.

I.e. instead of

sudo /usr/local/lib/grr/grr_3.4.2.4_amd64/grr break_on_start

please try

sudo /usr/local/lib/grr/grr_3.4.2.4_amd64/grr --break_on_start

I apologize, I misread that command on mobile. Here is the output.

$ sudo /usr/local/lib/grr/grr_3.4.2.4_amd64/grr --break_on_start

(Pdb) import requests
(Pdb) requests.get("https://server.domain/server.pem")
*** requests.exceptions.SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='server.domain', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /server.pem (Caused by SSLError(SSLError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:852)'),))

The Certificate is a Lets Encrypt certificate

After some quick GoogleFu, it appears that I need to use the Fullchain.pem on the server rather than the normal certificate due to trust issues.

I now get

<Response [200]>

But starting grr from the commandline

$ sudo /usr/local/lib/grr/grr_3.4.2.4_amd64/grr --config=/usr/local/lib/grr/grr_3.4.2.4_amd64/grr.yaml --verbose

still returns

$ sudo /usr/local/lib/grr/grr_3.4.2.4_amd64/grr --config=/usr/local/lib/grr/grr_3.4.2.4_amd64/grr.yaml --verbose
I1129 22:41:54.449746 4614868480] Writing log file to /var/log/GRRlog.txt
INFO:2020-11-29 22:41:54,449 client_logging:117] Writing log file to /var/log/GRRlog.txt
INFO:2020-11-29 22:41:54,461 comms:1330] Starting client aff4:/C.ed6e3d3da57ed745
DEBUG:2020-11-29 22:41:54,467 admin:312] Sending startup information.
DEBUG:2020-11-29 22:41:54,505 connectionpool:943] Starting new HTTPS connection (1): server.domain:443
INFO:2020-11-29 22:41:54,507 comms:252] Could not connect to GRR servers ['https://server.domain/'], directly or through these proxies: [''].