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bazel Windows builds are currently failing for automated PR runs on GitHub

davidmatson opened this issue · comments

Describe the issue

Some PRs are currently showing as red due to this bug:

Here's an example error:

ERROR: D:/a/googletest/googletest/googletest/test/BUILD.bazel:407:10: Compiling googletest/test/ failed: (Exit 2): cl.exe failed: error executing CppCompile command (from target //googletest/test:gtest_xml_output_unittest_) C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe ... (remaining 1 argument skipped)
cl : Command line error D8004 : '/external:I' requires an argument

Steps to reproduce the problem


What version of GoogleTest are you using?


What operating system and version are you using?


What compiler and version are you using?


What build system are you using?


Additional context

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