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[Bug]: Google has a wicked infested mindset and it is going down because of it.

MapperMalte opened this issue · comments

Describe the issue

You know what the issue is?
You Googlers believe your own bullshit about machines being smart and people being stupid tools.
That makes your products harder and harder and harder to use, because know I can't model them anymore. I have been using duckduckgo for a while now, because literally whenever I try to search something on Google, Google treats me like they'd know better what I want than me and they 'correct' me.

Great. Now instead of having something mentally simple to model to work with, like the old google, that actually found websites that containted the KEYWORDS I ENTERED, I have to reverse-engineer and 'model' in my head your search engine to barely get CLOSE to finding what I want.

It's from a biological point of view retarded; it causes distress when the tools behave unexpectedly.

You forgot who is cook and who is waiter.

Your algorithms suck. All of them. They are retarded besides the very first page rank algorithms and your engineers are not even good enough to match the sound volume of ads and videos; where simple Fourier Analysis and Distributions would yield results, but Fourier Analysis I guess is already too hard for you.

Probably you're relying on some library like FFMpeg, because actual signal processing is too hard for you.

I mean it's not like it's a DOWNFALL of Google, because I mean - when did Google EVER create something TECHNICALLY impressive?

Never. Even back then, you were miles below old Blizzard and the only innovative thing that ever came from you came from Larry Page himself and that pagerank algorithm is pretty basic and was actually invented by CF Gauß 300 years ago.

It's time for your bad monopoly to die, so you can stop stalling tech.

Steps to reproduce the problem


What version of GoogleTest are you using?


What operating system and version are you using?


What compiler and version are you using?


What build system are you using?


Additional context


On top of that, most commercially successful products by Google have not been invented by Google, but were bought or copycatted. Android, Google Maps, Gmail, Chrome - all of them copycats, fueled by US-imperalism, debt and a degenerate currency (USD), which allowed you to expand, despite your general technological inferiority.
And on top of these are tonned of failed attempts of copycatting products, like your infamous Google+, or completely detached-from-the-world products like Google Glass.
Now you are trying to copy ChatGPT, but this will be another one of your failures to copy other products and remove them from the market using your unfair market strategies and monopoly.
Obviously you lack the ability to come up with your own innovative ideas with possibility of financial success,

I mean, I would wish from you to get something like Google Space Maps, but I actually believe, you lack the technological skill to even DREAM of being able to put together a coherent map of space, something the physicist community is desperate for.

That would be sticking to your mission statement of organizing the worlds information in an accessible and useful manner.

The only things you guys did I kind of admire:

  • Flutter.
  • Original PageRank algorithm.

That's it.

Thanks to the Flutter Team, I know some of them have quit by now due to an awful manager, but anyways, that was the last thing maybe started at Google that had some kind of SPIRIT.

It's an actual take at solving the modern UI-Clusterfuck.

Sadly, I don't use it for web development, because it seems to not support Firefox and Safari, but it's great for Desktop Development.

Anyways, at this point, with all my hate, shoutouts to the Flutter team and to the people at Google who are still trying to make great technology work and who are about technology and honoring their craft, and not about money and status-grind and internal politics.

You guys, you are the true artists, and you are a dying breed. There used to be more of you guys there at google, way back, but eventually, your business changed, as they always do, and the creative highminds are leaving sinking ship that stinks of imperialism, money, and lost it's way and does not stick to their mission statement, a truly inspiring mission statement tbh.

That happens, when you let HR people do the hiring and eventually loosen your requirements.

God, imagine what Google could achieve for humanity, if they were actually 100 really good coders trying to achieve something of value, something with meaning, something that endures time, instead of now thousands of mediocre people who chase after status and money and are caught in a levelling-vesting-hamsterwheel.