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Checksum of has recently changed.

alan-davies-se opened this issue · comments

I am pretty confident this is the case because we use cmake to fetch the following url:

We had a hard coded sha384 of:


Recently our continuous integration builds are failing because the actual sha is now:


Can you please explain how and why this has changed.


We are seeing the same behaviour in our bazel ci

The old checksum, as hard coded has been:

while requesting a new download of the same file yields another sha256sum of

Dito in Verible: chipsalliance/verible#1168

We compared the content of each file, and it looks exactly the same as before, but the timestamps in the zip file changed. This might be due to github re-packaging the files ? I guess we need to ask github if this was an accidental move.
We see the hashes somewhat flapping, this might indicate some of their serving infrastructure is returning different files.

I can confirm our CI is now working again so it seems like the sha is back to its old value.