google / go-querystring

go-querystring is Go library for encoding structs into URL query strings.

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Parsing query strings into a map

betabandido opened this issue · comments

Parsing query strings into a struct is sufficient and works well in many situations. But, in situations where the input data contains dynamic field names it is not possible to match the input into a struct.

For instance, consider the following example where a set of filters are passed:


If the endpoint is always supposed to filter based on size and color it is then possible to decode the query strings into a URL. But, if size and color are just examples (and many other values can be used instead) decoding into a struct will not work.

In this case, using a map[string][]string would work. But, there could be more generic cases (e.g., nested deep objects). See this discussion in the OpenAPI spec repo for some examples. (see also for an implementation in nodejs)

Would you consider adding support for parsing query strings into a map? What about an even more generic solution like the ones being proposed in the OpenAPI spec repo?

I think /test?filter[size]=large&filter[size]=small&filter[color]=red&filter[color]=blue is not a correct query string referred to map[string][]string, the correct string is /test?filter[0][size]=large&filter[1][size]=small&filter[0][color]=red&filter[1][color]=blue.

I had implemented an url query string parser, but it can not parse map[string][]string.
For map structure, it has so limit on reflect, it works well in map[Basic Structure]Basic Strucure.

And I have a suggestion, you could use a struct to implement it.

type Query struct {
    Filter  []string `query:"filter"`

My Query string encoder and parser

I'm not planning to add support for parsing, but have added links to several projects that do in the README: