google / gemmlowp

Low-precision matrix multiplication

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

issue with aligned_alloc on macOS 10.12 with clang 802.0.42 cannot find <malloc.h>

samhodge opened this issue · comments

It seems that under /usr/include malloc.h is at /usr/include/malloc/malloc.h

I thought we could use stdlib.h instead, but after some reading I found that this has other issues.

Anyway the use case was to compile tensorflow r1.6 from tensorflow/contrib/cmake on macOS 10.12 with cland 802.0.42 and everything worked apart from gemmlowp so I thought I ought to let you know.

I think that's part of what this fixed:

Is TensorFlow still referencing an earlier gemmlowp commit? That would be a TF issue.

Yeah for sure I hacked most of those changes in myself. I am on tensorflow 1.6 contrib cmake build so I guess I can put PR for that to be updated, just wanted to make sure that it was reported.