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[C#][23.3.3] flatc doesn't generate Verify class for unions

fefe-mercurio-teaching opened this issue · comments


table StringType {
    value: string;

table IntType {
    value: int;

table SingleType {
    value: float;

table BoolType {
    value: bool;

union BaseType { StringType, IntType, SingleType, BoolType }

table ScriptCallParam {
    name: string;
    value: BaseType;

Generated BaseType.cs:

public enum BaseType : byte
  NONE = 0,
  StringType = 1,
  IntType = 2,
  SingleType = 3,
  BoolType = 4,

Issue on ScriptCallParam.cs: BaseTypeVerify doesn't exist

static public class ScriptCallParamVerify
  static public bool Verify(Google.FlatBuffers.Verifier verifier, uint tablePos)
    return verifier.VerifyTableStart(tablePos)
      && verifier.VerifyString(tablePos, 4 /*Name*/, false)
      && verifier.VerifyField(tablePos, 6 /*ValueType*/, 1 /*BaseType*/, 1, false)
      && verifier.VerifyUnion(tablePos, 6, 8 /*Value*/, BaseTypeVerify.Verify, false)
      && verifier.VerifyTableEnd(tablePos);

I am seeing this as well.. To get around it for now I just removed the && VerifyUnion().

I am also experiencing this, with the same flatc version. Do you know if this is an issue with previous versions? I might just downgrade.

Downgrading became an issue because the version gets put into the generated .cs files.


table StringType {
    value: string;

table IntType {
    value: int;

table SingleType {
    value: float;

table BoolType {
    value: bool;

union BaseType { StringType, IntType, SingleType, BoolType }

table ScriptCallParam {
    name: string;
    value: BaseType;

Generated BaseType.cs:

public enum BaseType : byte
  NONE = 0,
  StringType = 1,
  IntType = 2,
  SingleType = 3,
  BoolType = 4,

Issue on ScriptCallParam.cs: BaseTypeVerify doesn't exist

static public class ScriptCallParamVerify
  static public bool Verify(Google.FlatBuffers.Verifier verifier, uint tablePos)
    return verifier.VerifyTableStart(tablePos)
      && verifier.VerifyString(tablePos, 4 /*Name*/, false)
      && verifier.VerifyField(tablePos, 6 /*ValueType*/, 1 /*BaseType*/, 1, false)
      && verifier.VerifyUnion(tablePos, 6, 8 /*Value*/, BaseTypeVerify.Verify, false)
      && verifier.VerifyTableEnd(tablePos);

using to reclamos on autentify

tengo problemas de uso