google / flatbuffers

FlatBuffers: Memory Efficient Serialization Library

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Many dependencies fail: error: no matching member function for call to 'VerifyField'

yurivict opened this issue · comments

Projects that depend on flatbuffers fail because flatbuffers-generated headers generated by previous versions aren't compatible with 2.0.6.

The error is:

/wrkdirs/usr/ports/misc/nn-insight/work/nn-insight-1.0.5/plugins/tf-lite/tflite_schema_generated.h:1833:12: error: no matching member function for call to 'VerifyField'
           VerifyField<uint8_t>(verifier, VT_DETAILS_TYPE) &&

The generated code needs to be regenerated when you upgrade the library. We don't support a version mismatch between the two. And now in 2.0.6, we static assert this property, so it will be more obvious.