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Speed up CI

dbaileychess opened this issue · comments

The average time for CI on a pull_request is ~10-15 minutes. This could be a bit faster, especially since we rely on CI to help test changes on a wide number of environments that people don't personally have.

The Build Android (on Linux) and Build Kotlin MacOS targets are the two longest (each over 6 minutes). Lets focus there first.

Also Fuzzing was done for 10 minutes which is a bit long IMO. I addressed this by cutting it down to 1 minute for now: 59e9713 and we can reevaluate if we need more.

I can take a look on both, not sure if there is much on Android to be done, but I think Kotlin we can break down the job to different targets(x64, arm, etc) to parallelize.

@paulovap Seems like the android CI is broken, can you take a look?

Thanks @paulovap for getting it back working. Now can we get it back into the 5-6 minute range, which is comparable to the other CI workflows? If we can break it into multiple pieces that each do part, that might be a quick way to make this faster.

I would suggest to compiling only the arm variants, avoiding x86 (already handled by other Oses anyway). Would that be okay? It should reduce by half or more.
