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Do not change the case of identifiers used in schemas

Bklyn opened this issue · comments

This applies to Python for me, but could well be applied to the code generation in other languages as well.

I would like an option to flatc that causes the identifiers I use in my schemas to be rendered unmodified, and not changed to upper/lower camel case.

This case mangling makes it difficult to compare code to schema or even generated code across different languages, since the identifiers are not preserved as-is.

This is most likely a duplicate of #7111. Lets discuss the issues there.

I was under the impression you wanted snake_case for python? I think that is doable, and is apparently a bug since it should have been snake_case as stated in PEP-8.

@dbaileychess perfect - happy to close this as a duplicate of #7111, which I hadn't seen.