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How to convert buffer to field value

romanholidaypancakes opened this issue · comments

table tb1{
table tb2{

# Get the object of tab1 through bytes data
objTab1 = tb1.GetTb1(tb1Bytearray)

# Now, I want to put this piece of data into tab2, but failed, is there any api to do it, I checked the official example, there is no any explanation about this

You have to rebuild tb1 in the new builder. I don't think we have a way for tb1 to directly write itself into the builder, but contributions are welcome.

Alternatively you could make tb2.value be a bytes field and copy it in yourself, then remember that the bytes are actually a flatbuffer with type tb1. There is a "nested flatbuffers" feature that makes handling this a little more ergonomic but its not in all languages.

You have to rebuild tb1 in the new builder. I don't think we have a way for tb1 to directly write itself into the builder, but contributions are welcome.

Alternatively you could make tb2.value be a bytes field and copy it in yourself, then remember that the bytes are actually a flatbuffer with type tb1. There is a "nested flatbuffers" feature that makes handling this a little more ergonomic but its not in all languages.

thanks for your help, it seems I need to rebuild the builder, for contributing. unfortunately I don't have strong coding skills.