google / filament

Filament is a real-time physically based rendering engine for Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, macOS, and WebGL2

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Compiling for C++/CLI support requires c++17

BStringhamVRSK opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Note: I will be submitting a code pull request soon to fix this.
We are using a C++/CLI wrapper for Filament in order to use it with managed C# code. Currently, C++/CLI only supports c++17. A struct initializer (ALL_SHADER_STAGE_FLAGS in DriverEnums.h line 917) uses "designated initializers," a feature which requires c++20. A simple modification will eliminate that dependency.

To Reproduce
We get this error when the compiler encounters the ALL_SHADER_STAGE_FLAGS initializer, because we compile with c++17:
include\backend\DriverEnums.h(917,62): error C7555: use of designated initializers requires at least '/std:c++latest'

Recommended fix
I will be submitting a pull request which will change DriverEnums.h line 917 from:
static constexpr ShaderStageFlags ALL_SHADER_STAGE_FLAGS = { .vertex = true, .fragment = true };
static constexpr ShaderStageFlags ALL_SHADER_STAGE_FLAGS = { true, true };


  • OS: Win 10
  • Backend: OpenGL