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Filament Library error

khayalsherif opened this issue · comments

E/Filament: Panic
in filament::MaterialParser *filament::createParser(filament::backend::Backend, const void *, size_t):69
reason: Material version mismatch. Expected 17 but received 20.

You updated the library and didn't recreate the binary materials.
Some filament updates require regenerating the materials and this is specified in the release notes like this:
[⚠️ Material breakage].

You just have to regen your materials with matc.

What do you mean by recovery with a matc?

If you have any materials that you generated with matc, you need to regenerate them.

No, I don't have material with .matc, I use .glb, along with the following library, and I found that the problem is in the code containing .material (), but I don't know how to fix it. -Library

val plainVideoMaterialPackage = materialBuilder
.material("void material(inout MaterialInputs material) {\n" +
" prepareMaterial(material);\n" +
" material.baseColor = texture(materialParams_videoTexture, getUV0()).rgba;\n" +

Looks like you are mixing versions of Filament somehow, or you are mixing Filament library versions (gltfio and filament itself for instance) when using SceneView.

What can I do as a solution to this?

Well first we'd have to understand what you are doing to begin with. You should file that bug with the authors of

Thank you, I want to watch a video in mp4 format instead of a 3d object on the screen by tracking at the picture