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FrameGraph creates passes with 0 width in some coner cases.

daemyung opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
FrameGraph creates passes with 0 width or 0 height in some coner cases.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Run gltf_viewer
  2. Resize gltf_vewer to very small size.
  3. Print a Vulkan validation error.

Expected behavior
Minimum width or height should be 1.


VULKAN ERROR: (VUID-VkImageCreateInfo-extent-00944) Validation Error: [ VUID-VkImageCreateInfo-extent-00944 ]
Object 0: handle = 0x7fac3e899018, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_DEVICE; | MessageID = 0x8869da08 |
vkCreateImage: parameter pCreateInfo->extent.width (= 0) is not greater than 0
The Vulkan spec states: extent.width must be greater than 0