google / closure-templates

A client- and server-side templating system that helps you dynamically build reusable HTML and UI elements

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Guidance requested for JsSrc build setup

robfig opened this issue · comments

We use Closure Compiler & Closure Library, and previously Soy templates have "just worked". After upgrading to a more recent Soy compiler, it complains about an unsatisfied dependency on "", which I do not see in Closure Library or soyutils_usegoog.js from the release.

I see that it's defined in //javascript/soyutils_usemap.js in this repo. Do you recommend that I vendor that, and any other files from that directory that seem to be required, and tweak the build rules to always provide it to the Compiler ? I'm a little uncertain because I see a lot of JS files in that directory and I didn't want to play whack-a-mole.

Thanks for any advice!

OK, I'll vendor that file. Thanks!