google / closure-templates

A client- and server-side templating system that helps you dynamically build reusable HTML and UI elements

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

{msg} tags not allowed in <script type=text/template> ?

robfig opened this issue · comments

I wanted to ask why {msg} tags are no longer allowed in blocks of type <script type="text/template">. These blocks are useful for non-Soy client-side templates and it seems unobjectionable to have localized messages in them.

For example,

{template .clientSideTemplate}
  <script type="text/template">
    {msg desc=""}Hello world{/msg}

results in an error like

error: Invalid or ambiguous syntax prevents Soy from escaping this template correctly:
- Messages are not supported in this context, because it would mean asking translators to write source code; if this is desired, try factoring the message into a {let} block: (Context HTML_SCRIPT_PHRASING_DATA)

Extracting all messages into {let} blocks is fairly cumbersome as a workaround, being additional ceremony and making it harder to read the template, for no apparent benefit.

Thanks for the consideration

Here's a patch that treats these blocks as HTML.

That solves this problem as well as some others that arise in their usage.