google / closure-templates

A client- and server-side templating system that helps you dynamically build reusable HTML and UI elements

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can we get a release?

sgammon opened this issue · comments

Sorry to file an issue for this, but it would be sweet if we could get a release cut of Soy.

Upstream, I'm working on integrating SoySauce/SoyTofu into Micronaut (see micronaut-projects/micronaut-views#13, micronaut-projects/micronaut-views#16). However, the integration needs patches here in Soy, specifically, #185 and #186, which add the hasTemplate method.

In any case, those patches are merged, but we don't yet have a release that contains those (it barely missed the 2019-08-22 release), so we have to ship a JAR with Micronaut, which is preventing merge of that change. Thank you in advance for considering my request

@iteriani thank you! you guys rock. happy labor day if you're in the US.

I believe I released just now.

@iteriani thank you!