google / closure-templates

A client- and server-side templating system that helps you dynamically build reusable HTML and UI elements

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npm does not download the jar files for closure templates!

kira510 opened this issue · comments


I installed the closure templates using,
npm install google-closure-templates@latest

I get this error when i try to build using the closure compiler,
Missing provide for soy in app/templates/

So i checked the google-closure-templates folder in node-modules and found that there was no soyutils_usegoog.js like we used to have with old versions. I just have an index.js file referring to some jar files that were not downloaded.

Below you can see my index.js file. How can i fix this?

module.exports = {
  js: require.resolve('./soy_to_js_src_compiler.jar'),
  incrementaldom: require.resolve('./soy_to_incrementaldom_src_compiler.jar'),
  java: require.resolve('./soy_to_jbc_src_compiler.jar')

I tried to download this from website but didn't find a good source. The one that i found was which does not have jbc-src-compiler.jar . Also i don't feel comfortable with having to downloading exclusively since we have to add it to node-modules folder after installing closure templates in our pipeline. Any help will be great.

Thanks in advance,

Sorry I am still learning how to make this work. If you have any ideas how to release jar files to npm, that'd be appreciated.