google / bloaty

Bloaty: a size profiler for binaries

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

WebAssembly: see if "-d symbols" can be improved

haberman opened this issue · comments

Issue #184 indicates that -d symbols is sometimes returning not very useful information like:

    FILE SIZE        VM SIZE    
 --------------  -------------- 
  63.8%   313Ki   NAN%       0    [538 Others]
   4.1%  20.3Ki   NAN%       0    func[482]
   3.5%  17.3Ki   NAN%       0    [section Data]
   3.2%  15.9Ki   NAN%       0    func[514]
   3.0%  14.9Ki   NAN%       0    func[503]
   2.3%  11.5Ki   NAN%       0    func[528]
   2.3%  11.0Ki   NAN%       0    func[47]
   1.6%  7.91Ki   NAN%       0    func[513]
   1.6%  7.67Ki   NAN%       0    func[494]
   1.6%  7.65Ki   NAN%       0    func[505]
   1.5%  7.59Ki   NAN%       0    func[324]
   1.4%  6.70Ki   NAN%       0    func[323]
   1.3%  6.16Ki   NAN%       0    func[509]
   1.2%  5.90Ki   NAN%       0    func[523]
   1.2%  5.84Ki   NAN%       0    func[499]
   1.2%  5.67Ki   NAN%       0    func[418]
   1.1%  5.61Ki   NAN%       0    func[524]
   1.1%  5.41Ki   NAN%       0    func[478]
   1.1%  5.36Ki   NAN%       0    func[526]
   0.9%  4.57Ki   NAN%       0    func[507]
   0.9%  4.56Ki   NAN%       0    func[403]
 100.0%   490Ki 100.0%       0    TOTAL

We want to get real function names here, instead func[47]. We should investigate whether these function names are available somewhere in the binary, whether in a symbol table or in DWARF debug info.

This shouldn't be an issue (at least anymore). The only reason that user could've gotten such function names is if their Wasm was stripped of debug info. When running on Wasm with the names section preserved, I'm getting function names as expected:

   0.4%  21.2Ki   NAN%       0    vips_math_buffer
   0.3%  19.8Ki   NAN%       0    vips_boolean_const_buffer
   0.3%  17.2Ki   NAN%       0    vips_linear_buffer
   0.3%  17.1Ki   NAN%       0    vips_relational_buffer
   0.3%  16.3Ki   NAN%       0    vips_hist_find_scan
   0.3%  16.2Ki   NAN%       0    rgb_rgb_convert
   0.3%  15.7Ki   NAN%       0    vips_interpolate_bilinear_interpolate

Of course, other Wasm improvements (such as in PRs by @dschuff as well as DWARF support tracked in #188) are still necessary and would be welcome.