google / arc-xcode-test-engine

An Xcode test engine for use with Phabricator's arc command line tool.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Code coverage reports aren't being parsed properly

Mazyod opened this issue · comments


Hey, thanks for making this project!

After successfully integrating unit test runner with arcanist, I started to dabble a bit with code coverage, and it seems that Xcode code coverage format might have changed.

Even though when I run xcrun llvm-cov I can clearly see something like

   35|       |    /* optional */
   36|      0|    public var timeout: TimeInterval? { return nil }
   37|      0|    public var body: [String: Any]? { return nil }
   38|      0|    public var additionalHeaders: [String: String?]? { return nil }
   39|      0|    public var requestModifiers: [RequestModifier] { return [] }
   40|       |    
   41|       |    
   42|     52|    public var fullpath: [String] {
   43|     52|        return Self.api.basePath + path
   44|     52|    }

All files show up as 100% covered. Looking into the library, I think this project is parsing only the first part on the left, and not the second part. I'd send a PR if I had experience with PHP .. Sadly, I don't.