google / XNNPACK

High-efficiency floating-point neural network inference operators for mobile, server, and Web

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

There is no function for mod operation in include file of xnnpack.h

carrycooldude opened this issue · comments

For addition we have

enum xnn_status xnn_create_add_nd_f32(
float output_min,
float output_max,
uint32_t flags,
xnn_operator_t* add_op_out);

enum xnn_status xnn_setup_add_nd_f32(
xnn_operator_t add_op,
size_t num_input1_dims,
const size_t* input1_shape,
size_t num_input2_dims,
const size_t* input2_shape,
const float* input1,
const float* input2,
float* output,
pthreadpool_t threadpool);

This is the link for it

Right, MOD operator is not supported, and there are no short-term plans to support it.