google / Accessibility-Test-Framework-for-Android

Accessibility checks for automated Android testing

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pocmo opened this issue · comments

In our Android projects I started to use rules to match artifact groups to repositories to prevent fetching potentially malicious clones from public repositories like jcenter.

I have bound most Google/Android/AndroidX artifacts to be only fetched from However I noticed that could no longer be resolved (as a transitive dependency of robolectric, I assume) since it it not available there (but on jcenter and maven central).

Are there any plans to release this framework on

While this is unavailable via Google's maven repository, I'm accessing this via jitpack

Any updates on plans to publish the latest aar. We would love to use this for our project.

Update: We've published a v3.1 artifact on, which should be available now.

We will use these coordinates on Google's Maven Repository for releases going forward.

Please do advise if you encounter issues with the new artifact.

Happy Holidays,