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Request for dataset access for paper replication

ecent2000 opened this issue · comments


I am a student working on my thesis and would like to reference and replicate the experiments from the blog "Simulating Complex Physics with Graph Networks: Step by Step".

However, when trying to download the datasets used in the paper from the official code repository at, I found the dataset files appear to be missing or inaccessible. Would it be possible for you to please share the datasets used in this paper or provide guidance on how I can obtain them? Having access to the original data would be immensely helpful for replicating the methodology and results in my own research.

If you are able to assist, please send the datasets to my email address at

Thank you very much for your help and for making the code openly available. I appreciate any assistance you can provide.

Best regards

Have the same issue of accessing data.

Thanks for your message.

Could you describe the errors you are having when downloading the datasets?