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Bug: Failed to check latest version. not found version patterns

marccarre opened this issue · comments


Running dockle logs the following:

INFO	Failed to check latest version. not found version patterns

even when running the latest version, or when being perfectly able to reach out to:


What did you expect to happen?

I'd expect dockle not to print anything regarding version checks.

What happened instead?

It did log:

INFO	Failed to check latest version. not found version patterns

Output of run

$ docker run --rm goodwithtech/dockle:v0.3.16 -v    
2021-09-09T05:16:26.919Z	INFO	Failed to check latest version. not found version patterns

Root cause analysis

The current logic expects to find a version token within the first 14000 characters:

const enoughLength = 14000

However, with the current version of the GitHub website, the first occurrence only appears at position 17380 (modulo newlines):

$ curl -fSsL | tr -d '\n' | awk '{print index($0,"v0.3.16")}'

This makes the current logic fail to find a string matching the regex defined here:

var versionPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+`)

if versionMatched := versionPattern.FindString(string(body)); versionMatched != "" {
return versionMatched, nil

Possible solutions

A. Configure the HTTP client to not follow redirects

Indeed, the version token is present in the URL from the redirect response:

$ curl -fSs                                                           
<html><body>You are being <a href="">redirected</a>.</body></html>

For example, instead of DefaultClient, using the following may help:

client := &http.Client{
    CheckRedirect: func(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error {
        return http.ErrUseLastResponse

An alternative to reading the body would also be to read the response's HTTP headers:

$ curl -fSs -v >/dev/null 2>&1 | grep 'location:'
< location:

B. Increase enoughLength

For example:

// Dockle just want to check latest version string. No need to readall.
const enoughLength = 20000

so that enough HTML is read to reach the token (with the current version of the website, this may break again in the future).

Thank you for your suggestions! It is perfect!
I fixed it on v0.3.17.

Thank you for the quick fix @tomoyamachi! 🙏🏻
(And for maintaining dockle as a whole! 😁)