gomods / athens

A Go module datastore and proxy

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A Call for new Maintainers

arschles opened this issue · comments

TL;DR - we are looking for Gophers who have the time and desire to become new core maintainers of the project. Send a message to me at arschles on the Gophers Slack if you're interested.

Since its launch in August 2018, Athens has grown to become an important project as an open source Go module proxy and datastore for the Go community. Over the past 3 years, we (the existing core maintainers) have focused on a stable set of useful features while ensuring Athens is extremely contributor-friendly. That work has paid off. We now have 100 contributors to date and the software is used by a diverse range of organizations around the world.

As the Athens project has evolved, we've identified a need for new core maintainers who can contribute the time and bandwidth is deserves to truly thrive. I and other maintainers know the project deserves more time than we have to contribute today. The Go community depends on Athens, and we believe it's important to keep the project and healthy and vibrant into the future.

Maintainership Qualifications

If you're interested in becoming a core maintainer for the project, we are looking for some minimum qualifications:

  • You are familiar with the project.
  • You have contributed to the project before. This could mean contributing a pull request, engaging in discussion on issues, helping with releases, etc…
  • You have the time to contribute regularly

Maintainership Responsibilities

Since the project's feature set has remained relatively stable over the past year or so, much of the initial work would involve the following tasks:

  • Triaging issues
  • Reviewing pull requests
  • Fixing bugs
  • Cutting new releases as necessary

The time commitment for this has historically been around 5 hours per week, and I would help you to ramp up. Once you are familiar with the above, you would then have a voice on whether to continue new feature work.

What to do if You're Interested

If you are interested in becoming a core maintainer for Athens, please send a direct message to me at arschles on the Gophers Slack to let me know you're interested. I will reach out to you to have an initial discussion.

Maintainership of this project is rewarding for many reasons, but primarily because you get to build software that is core to so many developer workflows across the community and world. I hope to hear from you!

-- Aaron, on behalf of the Athens Core Team

Edit: thanks to @asw101 and @fedepaol for proofreading this post.

We'll chat in the beginning of next year and see how/what I can contribute and if we find other folks willing to join


I would like to have @linzhp and @ngshiheng as additional maintainers if they would like to and agree to.
Please let me know what do @gomods/maintainers and @DrPsychick think