golemfactory / golem-unlimited


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Invalid [do_close] implementation

prekucki opened this issue · comments

Steps to reproduce

with driver.session(name="test", tags=[]) as session:
        peer_session_spec = DeploymentSpec(env_type='docker',
        name='glambda docker test', tags=['test'],

        peer = session.peer(NODE_ID)
        with peer.new_deployment(peer_session_spec) as gu_test:
            print("deployment=", gu_test.info)
            cmds = gu_test.begin()
            print("deployment=", gu_test.info)
            cmds = gu_test.begin()
DEBUG 2019-04-24T10:58:11Z: gu_net::rpc::message: build reply for RouteMessage { msg_id: [22, 197, 15, 82, 204, 2, 234, 79], sender: 0x1ca0fd52dd8d0abf3a577f5b4645806f774f2f7b, destination: [222, 173, 190, 239, 0, 0, 0, 38], reply_to: Some([173, 248, 68, 199, 162, 143, 186, 80]), correlation_id: None, ts: 0, expires: None, body: () }
DEBUG 2019-04-24T10:58:11Z: gu_net::rpc::ws: emit message: EmitMessage { dest_node: 0x1ca0fd52dd8d0abf3a577f5b4645806f774f2f7b, destination: [173, 248, 68, 199, 162, 143, 186, 80], correlation_id: Some([22, 197, 15, 82, 204, 2, 234, 79]), reply_to: None, ts: 0, expires: None, body: Reply("{\"Err\":[\"Docker 204 response:\\n\\\"EOF while parsing a value at line 1 column 0\\\"\"]}") }
DEBUG 2019-04-24T10:58:11Z: gu_net::rpc::router: handling dest: [222, 173, 190, 239, 0, 0, 0, 40]
DEBUG 2019-04-24T10:58:11Z: gu_net::rpc::context: message parsed!
DEBUG 2019-04-24T10:58:11Z: gu_provider::workspace: cleaning session dir "/home/prekucki/.local/share/golemunlimited/sessions/docker/27c5a13c-d3bb-49d6-81af-572dd0ecbe17"
DEBUG 2019-04-24T10:58:11Z: gu_net::rpc::message: build reply for RouteMessage { msg_id: [211, 151, 171, 18, 193, 231, 231, 191], sender: 0x1ca0fd52dd8d0abf3a577f5b4645806f774f2f7b, destination: [222, 173, 190, 239, 0, 0, 0, 40], reply_to: Some([173, 248, 68, 199, 162, 143, 186, 80]), correlation_id: None, ts: 0, expires: None, body: () }

Stale issue message

Stale issue message