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Suggestion of some little markup rules for deep conformity in the context of languages

oshliaer opened this issue · comments

Hi! I'm an amateur translator. I love markdown. I also like the count lines of any translated documents to match. Ever.

I would like to suggest some guidelines to improve our markdown translation practice. Related #161

  1. Do not break the paragraph on a new line. All lines are endless. Line length is endless. This means that a thought within a paragraph will always be within a paragraph. It is enough for us to know its line number.
  2. Do not add more than one blank line. There may be a blank line between paragraphs. This is normal and often convenient. Many blank lines confuse the translator. Sometimes the thought is created that something is lost here.
  3. Try to use punctuation that are appropriate for your language. It helps others understand you in the final language. For example in my language almost no apostles or single quotation marks are used.
  4. Use a linter on your side. There are many linters we cannot synchronize them all. I'm using markdownlint. I just add .markdownlint.json to .git/info/exclude

I love this.

In fact, we already work on doing this for our sister repo node-best-practices. @rluvaton is leading this and may share some updates and assets that we can share?

@goldbergyoni it's good news!

I'd really like to take a look at this.

The next step is synchronous automatic checking of the untranslated parts.

@contributorpw thank you for the great suggestions!

@goldbergyoni Unfortunately I haven't had much time to work on it, but this week I will most certainly have

@contributorpw If you have the capacity, feel free to lead this. I don't even know where to start implementing this 😳


My first thought was a validator that looks at the number of rows. It would be wise to start with something simple. Also, in the future, it is necessary to add a check of links and unchanging parts of the text, such as code, for example. It would be great to do without additional settings.