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x/net/http2: support h2c for http2

banks opened this issue · comments

Previous discussion: bradfitz/http2#59

h2c (http2 without TLS) is somewhat controversial part of the http2 spec. As discussed in the linked ticket above, major browser vendors are refusing to implement it.

I still think it is important to have first class support in Go standard library though.

The primary reason is that https is an ideal transport for inter-service RPC - c.f. grpc.io which in grpc/grpc-go has to re-implement large parts of http2 client and server transport to work around this issue.

But wanting to use http2 between internal services is not limited to gRPC.

My primary motivation is that I generally want my load balancer to terminate SSL. This is not just to reduce crypto overhead on individual application servers, but can actually be more secure.

To enable perfect forward secrecy, you have to keep tight controls over session ticket keys and rotate them frequently. This is much easier to achieve if only two (or a few) load balancer machines must terminate SSL rather than possibly hundreds or thousands of application servers, not to mention fewer places for an intruder to get hold of those keys.

Of course it's possible to terminate public SSL with perfect forward secrecy at LB and then have backend connections use internally signed certificates and forgo the same stringency, but in this setup TLS is pure overhead, and additional complexity to administer.

So I think it's pretty reasonable that Go, a language whose core competency is building network services, should at least provide a means to serve and consume h2c via the standard library http2 package. I'd even argue that it should be automatic, but if opinion is strong, I'd settle for just being possible without re-implementing large chunks of the http2 transports.

If there is agreement from core (@bradfitz has most insight I'd guess) on how this could be introduced, I'd be really happy to contribute the code. How about if it was a separate package x/net/http2/h2c and for now it's required to manually choose h2c transport in client/server?

If not, this could be built as a (standalone) third party library that anyone who needs this can use for now.

Thanks for you help with this.

gRPC reimplemented http2 because they had to. We started with the same http2.Framer code and they wrote their gRPC-specific http2 client & server in parallel with me writing net/http's http2 client and server. I'm currently working on unifying them (see grpc/grpc-go#75).

I might accept h2c as a separate package under x/net/http2, but it won't be part of the Go standard library or on by default. Some of the work was already done as part of golang/net@d62542d

@bradfitz thanks.

gRPC reimplemented http2 because they had to

My thought is that eventually, another framework like gRPC should not have to reimplement http2 because the standard (or at least x/net) package would support all valid protocol use-cases. I realise gRPC came before your implementation so it was not an option there, but long term it seems bad that anyone else (like me) who wants to use HTTP/2 for inter-service communication (according to spec) has to reinvent the wheel despite "HTTP/2" implementation existing in standard lib.

To be clear, for my use-case I'm mostly interested in inter-service communication where I assume I control both client and server, so I really want HTTP/2 over TCP with "prior knowledge" (section 3.4) rather than HTTP/1.1 Upgrade.

But I think it makes sense that there is at least a somewhat official library (even if it stays in x) that supports the whole spec.

I looked at the old PR for upgrade support which seems a little hairy in the way it integrates with http server - I can see it's not a simple request to support.

I might accept h2c as a separate package under x/net/http2, but it won't be part of the Go standard library

Fair enough. Can I ask how the two interact? I'm using 1.6rc which uses http2 automatically when serving TLS via net/http (standard library) but the http2 implementation appears to still be this one in x/net. Do you consider http2 to be "standard library" due to its integration with net/http even though the implementation is still in x/net and still has TODO items on public interface or did I misunderstand something (like a subset got copied over)?

I will take a look through the commit you linked and get a better idea what the options are in terms of optional h2c upgrade and/or prior knowledge support with net/http.

Thanks again for your help.

Hmm I see your linked commit is against net/http2 not x/net/http2 implying it does exist in standard library, but if I run godoc on my local 1.6rc http2 is still in x in the Release Candidate despite being integrated with net/http.

We vendor a copy of x/net/http2 into net/http so http2 can be automatic for the standard library. What I mean is that I will not enable h2c automatically for the standard library, but h2c work can happen in a subpackage of x/net, like x/net/http2/h2c.

Thanks Brad, that's clear now.

On 29 Jan 2016, at 18:03, Brad Fitzpatrick notifications@github.com wrote:

We vendor a copy of x/net/http2 into net/http so http2 can be automatic for the standard library. What I mean is that I will not enable h2c automatically for the standard library, but h2c work can happen in a subpackage of x/net, like x/net/http2/h2c.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

CL https://golang.org/cl/19176 mentions this issue.

CL https://golang.org/cl/21327 mentions this issue.

Sorry to bother, but i found it's quite easy to make a h2c client with a little modification to golang.org/x/net/http2

package main

import (


func main() {
    client := http.Client{
        // Skip TLS dial
        Transport: &http2.Transport{
            DialTLS: func(netw, addr string, cfg *tls.Config) (net.Conn, error) {
                return net.Dial(netw, addr)

    resp, err := client.Get("http://localhost:8080/test")
    if err != nil {

    fmt.Printf("resp: %#v\n", resp)

    body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
    if err != nil {


then remove the restriction from golang.org/x/net/http2/transport.go in func (t *Transport) RoundTripOpt(req *http.Request, opt RoundTripOpt) (*http.Response, error)

    //if req.URL.Scheme != "https" {
    //  return nil, errors.New("http2: unsupported scheme")

I agree that nearly all browsers will not support h2c, but there are some h2c server serving traffic as another RPC service (not gRPC), so can https restriction be loosen a little to support h2c client?

I'd be fine with an http2.Transport.AllowHTTPScheme bool knob.

@bradfitz I'd be fine wth the knob too. So, will it be shipped?

If somebody sends me a change.

@bradfitz It seems golang.org/x/net/http2 not hosted on github?

Here is a diff. Since http port is not 443, i add some if-else to use 80

diff --git a/http2/configure_transport.go b/http2/configure_transport.go
index daa17f5..dde578a 100644
--- a/http2/configure_transport.go
+++ b/http2/configure_transport.go
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ func configureTransport(t1 *http.Transport) (*Transport, error) {
        t1.TLSClientConfig.NextProtos = append(t1.TLSClientConfig.NextProtos, "http/1.1")
    upgradeFn := func(authority string, c *tls.Conn) http.RoundTripper {
-       addr := authorityAddr(authority)
+       addr := authorityAddr(authority, "https")
        if used, err := connPool.addConnIfNeeded(addr, t2, c); err != nil {
            go c.Close()
            return erringRoundTripper{err}
diff --git a/http2/transport.go b/http2/transport.go
index a7ada8f..a9f24dd 100644
--- a/http2/transport.go
+++ b/http2/transport.go
@@ -75,6 +75,9 @@ type Transport struct {
    // explicitly requested gzip it is not automatically
    // uncompressed.
    DisableCompression bool
+   // Allow plain text HTTP/2
+   AllowHTTPScheme bool

    // MaxHeaderListSize is the http2 SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE to
    // send in the initial settings frame. It is how many bytes
@@ -268,20 +271,27 @@ func (t *Transport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {

 // authorityAddr returns a given authority (a host/IP, or host:port / ip:port)
 // and returns a host:port. The port 443 is added if needed.
-func authorityAddr(authority string) (addr string) {
+func authorityAddr(authority string, scheme string) (addr string) {
    if _, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(authority); err == nil {
        return authority
-   return net.JoinHostPort(authority, "443")
+   var defaultPort string
+   if scheme == "http" {
+       defaultPort = "80"
+   } else {
+       defaultPort = "443"
+   }
+   return net.JoinHostPort(authority, defaultPort)

 // RoundTripOpt is like RoundTrip, but takes options.
 func (t *Transport) RoundTripOpt(req *http.Request, opt RoundTripOpt) (*http.Response, error) {
-   if req.URL.Scheme != "https" {
+   if !(req.URL.Scheme == "https" || (req.URL.Scheme == "http" && t.AllowHTTPScheme)) {
        return nil, errors.New("http2: unsupported scheme")

-   addr := authorityAddr(req.URL.Host)
+   addr := authorityAddr(req.URL.Host, req.URL.Scheme)
    for {
        cc, err := t.connPool().GetClientConn(req, addr)
        if err != nil {

@ayanamist, we don't accept patches on Github or in comments. See https://golang.org/doc/contribute.html#Code_review

That is a wall of text, but there's only like 3 real steps there.

CL https://golang.org/cl/23181 mentions this issue.

Since CL https://golang.org/cl/23181 was merged, what is the correct way to configure the server side for this?

Given this server:

package main

import (


func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    io.WriteString(w, "hello\n")

func main() {
    s := &http.Server{
        Addr:    ":8543",
        Handler: http.HandlerFunc(handler),
    http2.ConfigureServer(s, &http2.Server{})

And this client:

package main

import (


func main() {
    client := http.Client{
        // Skip TLS dial
        Transport: &http2.Transport{
            AllowHTTP: true,
            DialTLS: func(network, addr string, cfg *tls.Config) (net.Conn, error) {
                return net.Dial(network, addr)

    resp, err := client.Get("http://localhost:8543")
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal(fmt.Errorf("error making request: %v", err))

When the client makes a request, the output is:

$ go run client/main.go
2016/08/24 22:31:07 error making request: Get http://localhost:8543: unexpected EOF
exit status 1

And the server output from the handler is:

$ go run server/main.go
&{PRI * HTTP/2.0 2 0 map[] 0x3bd4e0 -1 [] true  map[] map[] <nil> map[] [::1]:63792 * <nil> <nil> <nil> 0xc4200744c0}

If I switch the server to use http2.Server.ServeConn directly, like in the tests in the above CL, it works as expected.

I believe this is due to how http2 is implemented in the standard library: https://github.com/golang/go/blob/release-branch.go1.7/src/net/http/server.go#L1500:L1520

HTTP2 dispatch is implemented in net/http.Server just like any other ALPN-based dispatch, which means it only works with TLS connections (ALPN is part of the TLS spec).

It would take some additional non-ALPN logic to make h2c work the way you describe, and to my understanding @bradfitz has indicated that such additional logic will not be accepted.

I've already accepted a ton of logic for h2c. My policy has been and remains: it should be possible for people to do h2c via a separate package, but it won't be supported by default.

All the pieces should be there now for you to glue it together yourself.

For server-side support you'll need to hijack in the PRI * HTTP/2.0 Handler and then call http2.Server.ServerConn.

Somebody should make a package to make that easier. I have other priorities, but can review CLs.

Somebody should make a package to make that easier. I have other priorities, but can review CLs.

Awesome, thanks @bradfitz. Would the Go team accept a CL to add h2c support, if it was opt-in (e.g. an AllowH2C flag on Server)?

I'd imagine a lot of people writing backend services are pretty excited about the performance advantages of http/2, but would rather terminate TLS at a load balancer.

Thanks for all your hard work on http/2 thus far!

Awesome, thanks @bradfitz. Would the Go team accept a CL to add h2c support, if it was opt-in (e.g. an AllowH2C flag on Server)?

I'd prefer it to be in its own package, hidden away and very much opt-in.

import "cellar/stairs/lavatory/cabinet/leopard/h2c"

@ejholmes it's been a few months, any update on getting h2c to work with http.Server? I think it'd be very useful to have plain http2 as an option for testing and backend services. Thanks

To save others some time, @hkwi wrote an implementation here: https://github.com/hkwi/h2c

I'm pretty far in getting this done. I expect I will be able submit a PR this weekend.

Change https://golang.org/cl/112997 mentions this issue: Add implementation of h2c into x/net/http2/h2c.

Change https://golang.org/cl/112999 mentions this issue: http2/h2c: Implementation of http2 h2c.

I too wanted h2c for traffic between load balancers that were doing SSL Termination and my golang servers.

I adapted the h2c implementation in Traefik into a standalone http.Handler: https://github.com/veqryn/h2c

package main

import (


func main() {

	// Router/Mux (can use any http.Handler)
	router := http.NewServeMux()

	// Handlers...
	router.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprint(w, "Hello World")

	// Wrap the Router
	h2cWrapper := &h2c.HandlerH2C{
		Handler:  router,
		H2Server: &http2.Server{},

	// Server
	srv := http.Server{
		Addr:    ":8080",
		Handler: h2cWrapper,


I'm happy to see that there is now an h2c package in golang.org/x/net/http2/h2c! I would like to add a random data point however that there are legitimate use cases for h2c. In our case, when proxying gRPC through a local Envoy sidecar over a unix socket protected with filesystem permissions. For reasons like that having it in the standard library might be nice, but of course should not be a default. The existing conclusion also is reasonable.

I would like to say THANK YOU @misterwilliam (and @bradfitz for reviewing), fantastic job.