golang / dep

Go dependency management tool experiment (deprecated)

Home Page:https://golang.github.io/dep/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can import docker/engine/client > 1.13

Pixcell opened this issue · comments

What version of dep are you using (dep version)?

[14:45]$>dep version
 version     : v0.5.4
 build date  : 2019-06-14
 git hash    : 1f7c19e
 go version  : go1.12.6
 go compiler : gc
 platform    : darwin/amd64
 features    : ImportDuringSolve=false

What dep command did you run?

dep ensure -v

with the constraint:

  name = "github.com/docker/engine"
  version = "v19.03.0"

(If I remove the constraint, it works, but it installs version 1.13.1 Which is really, really old.)

What did you expect to see?

Succesfull installation of docker golang client

What did you see instead?

  ✗ solving failed

Solver wall times by segment:
     b-list-versions: 35.735796179s
         b-list-pkgs:  5.324704865s
              b-gmal:  3.849731111s
     b-source-exists:  3.204470827s
  b-deduce-proj-root:  3.020996653s
             satisfy:   36.429356ms
         select-atom:   30.420991ms
            unselect:   19.814209ms
            new-atom:      3.3312ms
         select-root:    3.177006ms
           backtrack:     293.758µs
            add-atom:     128.099µs
               other:      92.622µs

  TOTAL: 51.229386876s

Solving failure: No versions of github.com/docker/engine met constraints:
	v19.03.0: Could not introduce github.com/docker/engine@v19.03.0 due to multiple problematic subpackages:
	Subpackage github.com/docker/engine/api/types does not contain usable Go code (*pkgtree.NonCanonicalImportRoot).. (Package is required by (root).)	Subpackage github.com/docker/engine/api/types/container does not contain usable Go code (*pkgtree.NonCanonicalImportRoot).. (Package is required by (root).)	Subpackage github.com/docker/engine/client does not contain usable Go code (*pkgtree.NonCanonicalImportRoot).. (Package is required by (root).)
	v18.09.8: Could not introduce github.com/docker/engine@v18.09.8, as it is not allowed by constraint ^19.3.0 from project github.com/eclipse-iofog/iofogctl.
	v18.09.7: Could not introduce github.com/docker/engine@v18.09.7, as it is not allowed by constraint ^19.3.0 from project github.com/eclipse-iofog/iofogctl.
	v18.09.6: Could not introduce github.com/docker/engine@v18.09.6, as it is not allowed by constraint ^19.3.0 from project github.com/eclipse-iofog/iofogctl.
	v18.09.5: Could not introduce github.com/docker/engine@v18.09.5, as it is not allowed by constraint ^19.3.0 from project github.com/eclipse-iofog/iofogctl.
	v18.09.4: Could not introduce github.com/docker/engine@v18.09.4, as it is not allowed by constraint ^19.3.0 from project github.com/eclipse-iofog/iofogctl.
	v18.09.3: Could not introduce github.com/docker/engine@v18.09.3, as it is not allowed by constraint ^19.3.0 from project github.com/eclipse-iofog/iofogctl.

Error saying that there was "NonCanonicalImportRoot".
But I had a look at the github repo with the specified tag, there is valid go code:

docker/engine/api/types: https://github.com/docker/engine/tree/v19.03.0/api/types

Dep was officially deprecated earlier this year, and the proposal to archive this repository was accepted. As such, I'm closing outstanding issues before archiving the repository. For any further comments, please use the proposal thread on the Go issue tracker. Thanks!