gohugoio / hugoThemesSite

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Add spacing between prev/next link on theme info page

digitalcraftsman opened this issue · comments

Namely between the Sublime Hugo Theme and Slate


Can someone assign me to this, please?

I don't have permission to change assignees, labels etc and it doesn't look like that I'm a collaborator in this repo.

/cc @bep can you add Bud and me to the list of collaborators in this repo?

My mistake, I had set the permissions to "Read" for all.

Hi @budparr! Any updates? :-)


This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. Feel free to ask questions. We're glad to help.
This issue will automatically be closed in the near future if no further activity occurs. Thank you for all your contributions.

This issue seems resolved. There is more space between the prev/next links nowadays. See:


Yes, this was fixed by gohugoio/gohugoioTheme#87 (commit gohugoio/gohugoioTheme@66f4563)
as well as commit d8f7a14 here at gohugoio/hugoThemesSite. Thanks for noticing and closing the issue here too.