goharbor / harbor

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Jobservice: GC logs blank page when using DB logging

nickhyoti opened this issue · comments

If you are reporting a problem, please make sure the following information are provided:

Expected behavior and actual behavior:

Go to 'Clean up', you will see a table of GC runs (or if not you can run one manually)
When the GC task has completed, click on 'show logs' in the table.
What I would expect to see is a page showing the steps of the GC task - as you get if you set to FILE
What I actually see is a blank page

Steps to reproduce the problem:
Set logging on jobservice config to log to DB and set the max_retrieve_size_mb to 10MB
As above, select the GC logs from the 'clean up' page

Please specify the versions of following systems.

  • harbor version: 2.8.0 onwards
  • docker engine version: 26.1.3
  • docker-compose version: 1.29.2

Additional context:

  • Harbor config files:
    jobservice.yml config
#Protocol used to serve
protocol: "http"

#Server listening port
port: 8080

#Worker pool
  #Worker concurrency
  workers: 10
  backend: "redis"
  #Additional config if use 'redis' backend
    redis_url: redis://redis:6379/2?idle_timeout_seconds=30
    namespace: "harbor_job_service_namespace"
    idle_timeout_second: 3600
#Loggers for the running job
  # The jobLoggers backend name, only support "STD_OUTPUT", "FILE" and/or "DB"
  - name: "STD_OUTPUT"
  - name: "DB"
    level: "INFO"
      duration: 1 #days

#Loggers for the job service
  - name: "STD_OUTPUT" # Same with above
    level: "INFO"

  # the max time to wait for a task to finish, if unfinished after max_update_hours, the task will be mark as error, but the task will continue to run, default value is 24,
  max_update_hours: 24
  # the max time for execution in running state without new task created
  max_dangling_hours: 168

# the max size of job log returned by API, default is 10M
max_retrieve_size_mb: 10