gogo / letmegrpc

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Support streaming methods

alenkacz opened this issue · comments

It would be nice if streaming grpc methods will be supported

I believe all combinations are tested

Maybe you can give a more specific example that is breaking and how it is breaking?

not sure we both speak about the same thing. Just to be sure, I mean this http://www.grpc.io/docs/guides/concepts.html#server-streaming-rpc

I think it is talking about the same thing

I prepared simple example where proto file is

syntax = "proto3";

package test.proto;

service TestService {
    rpc NoStream(TestRequest) returns (TestResponse) {}
    rpc OutputStream(TestRequest) returns (stream TestResponse) {}
    rpc InputStream(stream TestRequest) returns (TestResponse) {}
    rpc BiStream(stream TestRequest) returns (stream TestResponse) {}

message TestRequest {
    string note = 1;

message TestResponse {
    string result = 1;

and when I use it I get following result

2017/04/12 19:50:30 # tmpprotos
../../Test.letmegrpc.go:1584: this.client.Upstream undefined (type TestServiceClient has no field or method Upstream)
../../Test.letmegrpc.go:2106: this.client.Bidi undefined (type TestServiceClient has no field or method Bidi)
 exit status 2

Seems there was a bug with Upstream and Bidirectional streams, where the method name was hardcoded.
This should fix it
Thanks for reporting :)