gogo / letmegrpc

[maintainer wanted] generates a web form gui from a grpc specification

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suggestion for a better form preview/generation, build an awesome golang admin boilerplate

roscopecoltran opened this issue · comments

Hi guys,

Hope you are all well !

Would be awesome and a game changer for the golang community to have an administration panel being able to create forms through admin-rest boilerplates like admin-on-rest (https://github.com/marmelab/admin-on-rest-demo) or better with vue.js like (vue-admin).

Why ? because there is no boilerplate allowing to deal with custom forms (settings, multi-database connection or api gateways, eg krakend or qor an e-commerce framework, and to make it easy to setup or edit more flexible admin uis.

1- export models, structs or interfaces
2- generate proto files from go source code (eg, link) or from gorm models
3- add/update the yaml based schema (eg, redis-orm) some form properties (eg. textarea, mandatory)

I found some interesting entity based apis, like entity-rest-api, to integrate another admin skeleton from marmelab, ng-admin, in golang but the painful side is that you have to bundle the api manually.

Would be awesome to get things more easier to setup by exporting the schema of gorm model, or struct, and to use letmegrpc to generate the GRPC form and save the form content...

My question is much more about how do u see letmegrpc helping such purpose guys ? Did I miss-understood the aim of letmegrpc ?

It is really something missing in the go community, a dynamic/flexible admin boilerplate.

Have an awesome day ! Waiting for any feedbacks :-) ^^


letmegrpc simply generates a web gui from a grpc spec and then sends input from the web gui to the specified grpc server.

You can plug this into many other systems and I don't think letmegrpc needs to know which systems these are, or am I missing something?

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