gofiber / swagger

🧬 fiber middleware to automatically generate RESTful API documentation with Swagger

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Reverse Proxy configuration

lucasoares opened this issue · comments


I use a reverse proxy (Istio+Envoy) and I'm unable to configure swagger using fiber correctly.

I'm configuring the swagger handler like this:

	app.Get("/docs/*", swagger.HandlerDefault)

But when I try to access it from the proxy, which is a URL like this:


The current implementation redirects me to:


Instead of


The Try it out button also doesn't works because it is trying to send the request to the incorrect path. It should send the request to https://my-proxy-host/custom/path/channels.

Screenshot with this example:

Also, TrustedProxies and EnableTrustedProxyCheck options don't fix this issue. And even it could fix my reverse proxy doesn't have a fixed IP, which would be impossible to configure using the available options. I think you guys should look how Spring Boot manages this and maybe this is even a fiber issue (fixing the c.Redirect func) instead of a gofiber swagger issue: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/howto.html#howto.webserver.use-behind-a-proxy-server



@arsmn have you a clue? Can you take over ?
Have not much experience with the swagger middleware.

Sure. I will check it ASAP.

I made it work changing how the redirect is made in #4

For the "Try it out" button, I just set in my own application the basePath of the swag's docs.SwaggerInfo.BasePath which brings another issue. If I atempt to access this documentation using Pod's (I'm using kubernetes) direct IP, the "Try it out" button will also not work. Maybe we should change how gofiber swagger deliver the doc.json changing its basePath dinamically?

For the PR itself the only change I think may be necessary is to change to not compute prefix onle once, since the first access will define its value and I may have accesses from different sources in an application (proxy, pod's direct IP, etc).

Also, what is the difference between this repository, swaggo/fiber-swagger and gofiber/contrib/?

Also @ReneWerner87 @arsmn this is definitely not a question-issue. It is a BUG or at least a feature request.