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📝 *** CLOSE - I see Context( ) returns this type .... *** - r4[Proposal]: Add RequestCtx in ctx that returns *fasthttp from DefaultCtx

rabarar opened this issue · comments

Feature Proposal Description

Give the users access to the whole fasthttp request for more control (i.e. accessing client certs via ctx) by creating a method similar to func (c *DefaultCtx) Request() *fasthttp.Request in ctx.go but instead returns *fasthttp

Alignment with Express API

unknown. don't use javascript

HTTP RFC Standards Compliance


API Stability

this feature doesn't affect API Stability

Feature Examples

// RequestCtx return the *fasthttp object
// This allows you to use all fasthttp.RequestCtx methods
// https://godoc.org/github.com/valyala/fasthttp#RequestCtx
func (c *DefaultCtx) Request() *fasthttp.RequestCtx {
    return &c.fasthttp


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Have you checked the context method?


Line 305 in 7ba02c1

func (c *DefaultCtx) Context() *fasthttp.RequestCtx {


Can we close the feature request? Because its there?