goenning / google-indexing-script

Script to get your site indexed on Google in less than 48 hours

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[ERR_WORKER_OUT_OF_MEMORY]: Worker terminated due to reaching memory limit: JS heap out of memory

kaltsturm opened this issue · comments

I executed "npm run build" and receive

CLI Building entry: src/bin.ts, src/cli.ts, src/index.ts, src/shared/auth.ts, src/shared/gsc.ts, src/shared/index.ts, src/shared/sitemap.ts, src/shared/types.ts, src/shared/utils.ts
CLI Using tsconfig: tsconfig.json
CLI tsup v8.0.2
CLI Using tsup config: xxxxxxxxxxxxx/google-indexing-script/tsup.config.ts
CLI Target: esnext
CLI Cleaning output folder
CJS Build start
ESM You have emitDecoratorMetadata enabled but @swc/core was not installed, skipping swc plugin
CJS dist/shared/utils.js 355.00 B
CJS dist/bin.js 401.00 B
CJS dist/cli.js 460.00 B
CJS dist/chunk-LWWEROSD.js 388.00 B
CJS dist/index.js 1.08 KB
CJS dist/chunk-LBCQ44KW.js 4.51 KB
CJS dist/shared/auth.js 271.00 B
CJS dist/shared/gsc.js 579.00 B
CJS dist/shared/index.js 1.02 KB
CJS dist/chunk-75CVEFN6.js 669.00 B
CJS dist/chunk-74KA7FXM.js 1.43 KB
CJS dist/chunk-2MKILNFN.js 3.54 KB
CJS dist/shared/sitemap.js 307.00 B
CJS dist/chunk-MEQJBOPJ.js 1.36 KB
CJS dist/chunk-TTTS3QMW.js 807.00 B
CJS dist/shared/types.js 264.00 B
CJS dist/chunk-XL3RXX4H.js 708.00 B
CJS dist/chunk-IL7T5FML.js 692.00 B
CJS dist/shared/utils.js.map 51.00 B
CJS dist/bin.js.map 136.00 B
CJS dist/cli.js.map 51.00 B
CJS dist/chunk-LWWEROSD.js.map 230.00 B
CJS dist/index.js.map 51.00 B
CJS dist/chunk-LBCQ44KW.js.map 8.75 KB
CJS dist/shared/auth.js.map 51.00 B
CJS dist/shared/gsc.js.map 51.00 B
CJS dist/shared/index.js.map 51.00 B
CJS dist/chunk-75CVEFN6.js.map 376.00 B
CJS dist/chunk-74KA7FXM.js.map 2.72 KB
CJS dist/chunk-2MKILNFN.js.map 7.01 KB
CJS dist/shared/sitemap.js.map 51.00 B
CJS dist/chunk-MEQJBOPJ.js.map 2.68 KB
CJS dist/chunk-TTTS3QMW.js.map 2.76 KB
CJS dist/shared/types.js.map 51.00 B
CJS dist/chunk-XL3RXX4H.js.map 841.00 B
CJS dist/chunk-IL7T5FML.js.map 51.00 B
CJS ⚡️ Build success in 225ms
DTS Build start
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

Error [ERR_WORKER_OUT_OF_MEMORY]: Worker terminated due to reaching memory limit: JS heap out of memory
at [kOnExit] (node:internal/worker:313:26)
at Worker..onexit (node:internal/worker:229:20)
Emitted 'error' event on Worker instance at:
at [kOnExit] (node:internal/worker:313:12)
at Worker..onexit (node:internal/worker:229:20) {

Hey @kaltsturm,

You actually need to increase the memory limit of js heap, one possible way to do it is to set NODE_OPTIONS env variable to NODE_OPTIONS="--max_old_space_size=4096", it will sets the maximum heap size to 4 GB. Adjust the value according to your worker capabilities.