godotengine / webrtc-native

The official GDNative WebRTC implementation for non-html exports.

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Default GDNative WebRTC implementation not defined. [c#]

ASavchenkov opened this issue · comments

I'm following the WebRTC tutorial and converting things to c#., and got the above error on build (twice for some reason).

Latest GDNative plugin (0.3) downloaded and enabled.

I'm pretty new to Godot and my c# is rusty, but I suspect this has little to do with my code. If it does, It's attached as a txt file.


Just tried to reproduce and could not. Perhaps a restart was necessary. Should have thought of it sooner. I'll close this.

Just adding a note in case it helps others who come here.

I was getting this error during run from the editor (GDScript, not C#, in my case). I noticed the GDNative plugin was Disabled in the Project Settings. Enabling it fixed the call to WebRTCPeerConnection.new() in one place in the code but, weirdly, not the other call in nearly identical code. Restarting did not help. Furthermore, restarting always set the plugin back to Disabled.

Removing the webrtc folder from the project, restarting, and re-adding it (identical files, I checked) fixed all issues. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

For me, the issue was that I was using Godot Engine 3.5.1, but trying to use the GDExtension (works with Godot Engine version 4) instead of the GDNative Plugin (works with Godot Engine version 3)