godotengine / godot-google-play-billing

Godot Android plugin for the Google Play Billing library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Updating plugin to PBL v4

natetrost opened this issue · comments

1.0.1 uses the older version 3.0 of Play Billing Library plugin. The current version is 4.0.

A PR to update the plugin to 4.0, incorporating API changes and adding some missing feature coverage is here:

A PR to update the tutorial documentation of the plugin for v1.1 is here:

A PR to update the Android IAP demo for v1.1 of the plugin is here:

Bumping this to note a new PR #29 with a minor feature addition and that the Releases needs an update to 1.1.1 so I can get the docs and sample PRs submitted.

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resume activity {com.mycompany.cpr/com.godot.game.GodotApp}: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Signal billing_resume is not registered for this plugin.

I'm getting this error when running on device. Anyone getting this issue as well?

edit : I think there has been an unapproved PR for this : #30

Hi, still in progress?
After 2 months, PBL v3 will no longer be supported.

The relevant PRs have all been merged into the repo to use v4. The prebuilt release is still an old version, but I don't have the ability to update that. But if you build the plugin from source at the current head you should be good to go.

@natetrost Mb we could tag (@) someone and ask to create new release?

Please see #35