godotengine / emacs-gdscript-mode

An Emacs package to get GDScript support and syntax highlighting.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Put a lower Emacs version requisite

zhensydow opened this issue · comments

I'm submitting a...

  • Bug report.
  • Feature request.

Feature request

Currently in my actual Linux distribution I can install this package because the emacs version required is greater that the installed one.

It should be possible to lower the Emacs version required without to much ado. E.g: Emacs versions of common Linux Distributions:

  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS == 25.2
  • Linux Mint 19.3 == 25.2
  • Debian Stable == 26.1
  • Centos 8 == 26.1


I have a big workload and don't want to have to support older versions of Emacs for what I expect is a small amount of potential users.

25 I wouldn't want to support if there's any code change required. If people can test 26.1 and ensure it works with minimal changes, I don't mind - considering 26.2 and .3 are minor updates it shouldn't make too much of a difference.

Is this issue still relevant? With ubuntu LTS 20.04 and Emacs 27.1 out, hopefully fewer persons are stuck with Emacs 25 now.

Another thing I forgot to mention: I really wouldn't recommend doing GDScript in Emacs without Emacs 27, as it we use the language server for auto-completion, and with lisp-based JSON parsing, performance is really bad in Emacs 26.x.

Yes, new LTS makes this ticket less urgent, or maybe unnecessary. I think it could be close.


Debian stable still has 26.1 😞

@muhuk Look into using a Flatpak, installing Emacs from a third-party repository or compiling Emacs from source. It's the classic LTS Linux distribution procedure 🙂