godot-jolt / godot-jolt

Godot Jolt is a Godot extension that integrates the Jolt physics engine

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All joints return Node3D type when referenced in code

Xacorman opened this issue · comments

Tested with all joints.

If you add a jolt joint to a scene and manually assign the nodes it works as expected but if you attempt to get a reference to it in code Godot returns an error of not being able to cast Node3D to the joint type.

Generic6DofJoint3D foo;
public override void _Ready()
  foo = GetNode<Generic6DofJoint3D>("bar");

object System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CastHelpers.ChkCastAny(System.Void*, object): System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'Godot.Node3D' to type 'Godot.Generic6DofJoint3D'.

Installed via Godot AssetLibrary and followed installation steps listed

I'm guessing you're adding a JoltGeneric6DOFJoint to the scene? The substitute joints (JoltGeneric6DOFJoint, JoltHingeJoint3D, etc.) can't be used from C# in that way, unfortunately. See #632.

You'll need to use the regular Generic6DOFJoint instead, which uses Jolt as well.