godly-devotion / charge-limiter

macOS app to set battery charge limit for Intel MacBooks

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Release v1.4, potentially missing new smcutil?

sayunkim opened this issue · comments

I'm getting this error with the latest release of Charge Limiter v1.4 https://github.com/godly-devotion/charge-limiter/releases/tag/v1.4. Seems to be the issue with the smcutil referenced in issue #21. (Beta version linked in the issue works fine, but bugs me to update to 1.4)

Perhaps the new smcutil didn't make it into the released version?

Could you please show me the error that you are having?

Same here, getting the There was a problem setting the charge limit. Please make sure you have administrative rights when using the latest build. This doesn't appear in the beta(?) version linked here

Could you try this new test build to see if this works?

I had to zip the dmg due to a limitation of uploading dmg files directly here.

Could you try this new test build to see if this works? Charge_Limiter.dmg.zip

I have same admin rights problem. I tried your latest build, but it causes a new error: "Error: Error: Not enough arguments for option -d. Expected at least 2 but got 1"

Sorry I missed a parameter. I've fixed that now.


Still getting the "There was a problem setting the charge limit. Please make sure you have administrator privileges." message with this one.

New error now: "Error: Error: xattr: [Errno 30] Read-only file system: '/Volumes/Charge Limiter/Charge Limiter.app/Contents/Resources/smcutil'"

@MikeMaxNow Sorry I should've clarified but you need to copy the "Charge Limiter.app" outside the dmg, say to your downloads folder and then run it. DMG is read-only so we cannot remove the quarantine flag inside.

@MikeMaxNow Sorry I should've clarified but you need to copy the "Charge Limiter.app" outside the dmg, say to your downloads folder and then run it.

I am getting the "There was a problem setting the charge limit. Please make sure you have administrator privileges.", and mine was copied to the Applications folder.

@MikeMaxNow Sorry I should've clarified but you need to copy the "Charge Limiter.app" outside the dmg, say to your downloads folder and then run it. DMG is read-only so we cannot remove the quarantine flag inside.

Okay I have done that now, but now I get yet an other error: "Error: Error: xattr: /Users/dirk/t/Charge Limiter.app/Contents/Resources/smcutil: No such xattr: com.apple.quarantine (1)"

@MikeMaxNow 🤦‍♂️

Thanks for being patient, its hard to test this myself because apple doesn't add the quarantine flag locally.
Could you please try this one then? I'm now just removing all extended attributes, which include the quarantine flag.


Thanks for being patient, its hard to test this myself because apple doesn't add the quarantine flag locally. Could you please try this one then? I'm now just removing all extended attributes, which include the quarantine flag.

Charge Limiter 1.4.dmg.zip

Now we are back to the initial error message: "There was a problem setting the charge limit. Please make sure you have administrator privileges."

Your older beta version from the other thread is working though!

@MikeMaxNow I was trying to make it a bit more convenient by providing a dmg but it seems I need to provide it as a zip to bypass this issue...

Before I update the release, could we just confirm that the zip works?


Sorry, still the old error: "There was a problem setting the charge limit. Please make sure you have administrator privileges."

This is the only one that works fine: #21 (comment)

@MikeMaxNow Last one.


Sorry, still the same error: "There was a problem setting the charge limit. Please make sure you have administrator privileges."

But as long as the #21 beta version is working, that's fine with me.

@MikeMaxNow Last one.

Charge Limiter.app.zip

This one still has that same message for me too. "Please make sure you have admin privileges."

Hmm I'm not sure whats the difference between the beta version I created then and now. I'm starting to run out of ideas but, how about this one?


Hmm I'm not sure whats the difference between the beta version I created then and now. I'm starting to run out of ideas but, how about this one?

Charge Limiter.app.zip

Same message for me. :(

Hmm I'm not sure whats the difference between the beta version I created then and now. I'm starting to run out of ideas but, how about this one?

Charge Limiter.app.zip

"There was a problem setting the charge limit. Please make sure you have administrator privileges."

Okay, this time I literally took that test build and just changed the version.


Okay, this time I literally took that test build and just changed the version.

Charge Limiter.app.zip

I am so sorry, but still the same error: "There was a problem setting the charge limit. Please make sure you have administrator privileges."

Last one. If this doesn't work, I will revert the version back and just release the test build as is.

Charge Limiter.app.zip

Last one. If this doesn't work, I will revert the version back and just release the test build as is.

Charge Limiter.app.zip

This one is working! It reminds me that there is a newer version, but it's working!

Thanks for your help everyone! I've released this as a new version.

Thank you, I very much appreciate your work! 🙂