godly-devotion / charge-limiter

macOS app to set battery charge limit for Intel MacBooks

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

version 1.3 can't change level on MacBook Pro 15" 2012 (older works 1.21)

iPlasm opened this issue · comments

in version 1.3, after entering password this message comes up:
"There was a problem setting the charge limit. Please make sure you have administrator privileges."

but in older version works v1.21, no such a messages and works fine.

MacBook 15" 2012 MacOS Catalina 10.15.7


Could you please try running this command in Terminal and copy what result you get here?

"<path-to-charge-limiter.app>/Contents/Resources/smcutil" -r BFCL

I'm having the same behaviour, the command you gave returned no data for me.

@manasv Could I get your MacBook model and OS version?

I'm on MBP 16" Base Model and right now on beta (Big Sur 11.0.1 Beta)

(The past version works as @iPlasm said)

Could you please try this build and see if this fixes the issue for you?

Charge Limiter (for issue 11).zip

Could you please try this build and see if this fixes the issue for you?

Charge Limiter (for issue 11).zip

Yes that works, the message said successful. (but I need more time to see the results)
for optional, I like that you add an icon for it, it's easier to know and nice to have.
I love this icon, unless if copywriting is issue (not sure) https://icon-library.com/icon/android-battery-icon-18.html

For v1.21, I tested on MacBook 12" 2017 and MacBook 13" 2012 (both Macs 10.15.7), they were both worked great at the percentage battery level I want.
Today I was tried to active on my MacBook 15" 2012 too, so it was chance that I faced this update notify.
Thank you

Thanks for the info! I've released version 1.31 with the fixes included.

Thanks for the info! I've released version 1.31 with the fixes included.

Yes, I confirm it is now working on at the level battery I want on MacBook 15" 2012 MacOS 10.15.7.

Thank you