godfat / rest-core

Various rest-builder middleware for building REST clients.

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EventSource vs WebSocket?

speedmax opened this issue · comments

Hi Godfat,

It's good to see this project still going strong. The event source example looks pretty similar to a lot of the chat example they have with web sockets.

What is your thought on getting streaming response on the web these days? Some web API provides both WS and Rest API these days.

This is a example of creating a middleware/wsclient that follows similar interface that adds multiple sockets onto the same HTTP client object. This makes this class a more generalised HTTP/Web client for a specific online provider (Facebook, Twitter)

YourClient = RC::Builder.client do
  use RC::DefaultSite , 'https://api.github.com/users/'
  use RC::JsonResponse, true
  use RC::CommonLogger, method(:puts)

  use RC::WebSocket, "wss://ws.gitter.im/" # default URI (can be specified in instance method)

client = YourClient.new

es = client.event_source('users/tom.json', {}, # this is query, none here
                          :headers => {'Accept' => 'text/event-stream'})

# Instance of websocket using default URI
ws = client.websocket

ws.onopen{|s| s.write(subscribe: "tom_uid")}

# Stalker logic to reply to all tom's message
ws.onmessage{|s| s.write(message: "Yo Tom, It's me again") }

# Specify a different path or URI
ws1 = client.websocket("/activities")

ws2 = client.websocket("ws://www.host.com/chat")

Step 1

Early version could use Faye::Websocket as client



Ideally, the logic that handles EventEmitter and concurrency share the same underlying rest-core libs like promisepool and timer.

Use a generalised Websocket::Driver and without the weight from Faye::Websocket, Extend event_source and create common abstraction Server Side Event (1 way) and Websocket (bidirectional)

  • Remove proxy support
  • Remove Rack/Server support
  • Remove EM specific logic

Do you have a working copy so that I could play around it a bit?

I would like to understand the use case a bit more. Would it be something like this?

ws1 = client.websocket("/activities")
ws2 = client.websocket("ws://www.host.com/chat")

ws1.puts "some message"
ws2.puts "some other message"

response1 = ws1.gets
response2 = ws2.gets

@godfat No i don't have a working copy yet. I am messing with a lot of web and ws clients to learn more about these recent ruby projects and fundamental building blocks better. (concurrent-ruby, nio4r, websocket-driver).

@khoan and I will be doing dev around these areas, I will ping you when I have some working code.

Cool, thanks! Looking forward to it.