goderich / aoc2020

Solutions to Advent of Code 2020, written in Racket

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Advent of Code 2020

This repository contains my solutions to Advent of Code 2020 problems, all written in Racket. The solutions are written in a (hopefully) readable style, and have comments throughout. I mostly use the standard library in my solutions, though I do make occasional use of external libraries.

The solutions are all mine. They may not be the cleverest, but I prefer to keep them this way. I usually do some refactoring right after I get an answer and before I upload to GitHub, to tidy up and deduplicate the code.

Each file contains two solutions, for both parts of the puzzle on that day. When run, the files output two values: the answers to part 1 and part 2, respectively. My inputs for each day are stored in the "inputs" folder.

I am not a Racket expert, but I do have a few years' experience with functional programming (Haskell, OCaml, and now Racket). These solutions are meant as practice for me, but perhaps they can also help others learn as well.


Solutions to Advent of Code 2020, written in Racket


Language:Racket 100.0%