gocraft / web

Go Router + Middleware. Your Contexts.

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Multiple domains and subdomains

andreinistor opened this issue · comments

I am sorry if this was answered before, but I can't seems to find a way to use multiple domains ..
I have multiple domains on the same server and I am trying to set a domain to a specific route.

I have tried this, but I get 404 Not found:

	router.Middleware(web.StaticMiddleware("static", web.StaticOption{Prefix: "/", IndexFile: "index.html"}))
	router.Get("domain.com/something/", (*Context).SomethingRoot)
	router.Get("/:link", (*Context).Root)

	fmt.Println("Server started on port " + strconv.Itoa(port) + "..")
	http.ListenAndServe(":"+strconv.Itoa(port), router)

Thank you in advance!

@andreinistor -

I don't think this is possible using gocraft/web since the host + path handling in http.ServeMux has already occurred. All that gocraft/web receives is the context path.

However, you can create multiple routers and register them with http.Handle and pass a nil handler to ListenAndServe - see example below.

Note that you will not need the :port part in the hostname mapping if the hostname header that your code sees does not contain a port. If your golang application is sitting behind a reverse proxy this may be the case.

Hope this helps.

package main

import (

type Context struct{}

func (c *Context) DefaultHost(rw web.ResponseWriter, req *web.Request) {
    fmt.Fprintf(rw, "DefaultHost host=%q", req.Host)

func (c *Context) OtherHost(rw web.ResponseWriter, req *web.Request) {
    fmt.Fprintf(rw, "OtherHost host=%q", req.Host)

func main() {

    otherRouter := web.New(Context{})
    otherRouter.Get("/", (*Context).OtherHost)
    // my /etc/hosts contains otherhost->
    http.Handle("otherhost:3000/", otherRouter)

    router := web.New(Context{})
    router.Get("/", (*Context).DefaultHost)
    http.Handle("/", router)

    http.ListenAndServe(":3000", nil)


@mlctrez Thank you for the info! This suites my needs!