gocraft / web

Go Router + Middleware. Your Contexts.

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StaticMiddleware() is not working

yvasiyarov opened this issue · comments


I've created simple application:

package main

import (
type Context struct{


func main() {
    router := web.New(Context{}).
    http.ListenAndServe("localhost:8080", router)

in the same folder I have "public" directory with "index.html" file inside.
If I make "http://localhost:8080/index.html" request, I got "404 page not found"
any idea why ?

Have you tried "./public" and made sure that your "public" directory is in the same directory as your main file? I ask because I made the mistake of having my main.go in a "bin/" directory and couldn't understand why static wasn't working. Obviously, I needed to ask for "../public" in that case.

@yvasiyarov lmk if andrioid's advice didn't help. This wfm.