goccmack / gocc

Parser / Scanner Generator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unexpected behavior with error recovery mode implemented in gocc

shivansh opened this issue · comments


The aim of this issue is to make an attempt at explaining the behavior (mentioned in the reference above) demonstrated by error recovery implemented in gocc.


When testing input a ; b using the error recovery example, the following output is generated -

output: [
Error in S0: INVALID(0,;), Pos(offset=2, line=1, column=3), expected one of: id error

The valid terminal a is not available in the final output.


This commit adds a few debug statements demonstrating the recovery behavior. The output generated via go test -v is available here (relevant output starts from here).

When the input reaches symbol ;, the action table does not contain a valid action corresponding to the state of the stack. As a result the recovery mode kicks in and pops all the non-recovery states along with their attributes [1] (in this case a single pop is performed and a is lost [2] along with state 3). The valid recovery state which is now on the top of the stack is 1, and corresponding to this state a shift action is performed pushing the errorAttrib on stack [3] [4]. The parsing resumes normally from here.

I'm not sure whether this is the correct behavior, but this is how things appear to be happening.

I tried a lot today to somehow make the symbol a stay on stack, so that the final output will be a, error, b, but all in vain.
Comments on above are appreciated.