goccmack / gocc

Parser / Scanner Generator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Verbose output lacking error details

IzakMarais opened this issue · comments

Running the example from Chapter 10: Example: reduce/reduce conflict handling from the documentation gives:

> cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/goccmack/gocc/example/rr
> gocc -v rr.bnf
-a             = false
-debug_lexer   = false
-debug_parser  = false
-h             = false
-no_lexer      = false
-o             = T:\Documents\werk\badger\tools\src\github.com\goccmack\gocc\example\rr
-p             = github.com/goccmack/gocc/example/rr
-u             = false
-v             = true
-zip          = false
Error: 1 LR-1 conflicts

According to the documentation it should give:

> gocc -v rr.bnf
LR(1) conflict: S4 Reduce:3(B) / Reduce:4(A)
ABORTING: 1 LR(1) conflicts

This seems like a regression, since the cause of the conflict is no longer clearly explained.

Browsing around in the folder reveals that this is likely just out of date docs. A LR1_conflicts.txt file is generated that contains the info required.

I'll submit a pull request to update the documentation.

Pull Requests are more than welcome :)

Created #48. Fixing the LaTeX was the easy part. Now to grok gocc... ;)

You fixed it :)