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Exporting the full page as PDF (single page)

jamesbuddrige opened this issue · comments

Rod Version: v0.114.8

Is there a way for me to be able to export the page as a PDF with only a single PDF page?

So far I've tried modifying the viewport, and setting the paper height:

  • Modifying the viewport appears to make no difference to the PDF
  • Increasing the PaperHeight does increase the size of the PDF page, however, it does not increase the content (just adds white space above and below)


	page := browser.Context(ctx).MustPage()
	err := page.SetViewport(&proto.EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverride{
		Width:  2000,
		Height: 3000,
	_ = proto.EmulationSetEmulatedMedia{
		Media:    "print",
		Features: []*proto.EmulationMediaFeature{},

	// Dynamically determine the content height
	res := page.MustEval(`() => document.body.scrollHeight`)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	contentHeight := res.Num()

	// Convert the content height to inches for PDF generation (assuming 96 DPI)
	paperHeightInches := contentHeight / 96

	marginTop := 0.0
	marginBottom := 0.0
	marginLeft := 0.0
	marginRight := 0.0

	// Generate the PDF with dynamic dimensions
	reportPdf, err := page.PDF(&proto.PagePrintToPDF{
		MarginTop:       &marginTop,
		MarginBottom:    &marginBottom,
		MarginLeft:      &marginLeft,
		MarginRight:     &marginRight,
		PrintBackground: true,
		PaperHeight:     &paperHeightInches, // Convert pixels to inches for PDF generation
		PageRanges:      "1-1",              // Ensure all pages are included
		//PreferCSSPageSize: true,
	if err != nil {
		return err

	bin, err := afero.ReadAll(reportPdf)
	err = afero.WriteFile(fs, "report.pdf", bin, 0644)

This is something I am able to achieve in Puppeteer:

    await page.setViewport({width: 2000, height: 3000});
      const pdfOptions : PDFOptions = {
          printBackground: true,
          height: `${height} px`,
          width: `${width} px`,
          pageRanges: "1"

Per the ISO 32000 standard for PDF, the page dimension limit is 14,400 PDF units in each direction. A PDF unit is 1/72 of an inch so the limit equates to a maximum page size of 200 x 200 inches. (5080 x 5080 mm).

If you have too many pages, it won't help, also the page can have page breakers, they may affect the result.